These faces...
These faces That i wore to school...
Well groomed and well bred
To pass off moments of innocence.
Those phases of ignorance.
These faces...
These faces hand-picked to my mother's taste...
Moulded in love.
Singing lullabies till moonlight.
Those phases of love.
These faces...
These faces my Father bought me
Marinated with pride.
Speaking thoughts I didnt believe in...
Those phases of pride.
These faces...
These faces that my teacher taught
The matters of the material world.
Remembering, recollecting, Never rethinking.
Those phases of bliss.
These faces...
These faces of childhood infactuation.
A battered piece of a man within.
Serenading thoughts in a black and white lake.
Those phases I thought I knew.
Those faces...
Those faces...
Faces I can wear no more.
Archaic masks of a medieval play.
Now am more.
Now I know.
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