Thursday, February 12, 2009

Pregnant Images

Tell me your thoughts.
Let me swim into you
The abandoned waters of an unseen island.
Whisper them.

Don't move away.
Until am in you, you in me.
Conglomerate of isolated existences.
Fade in.

Touch the core.
Let me feel you.
Breakaway from societal insanity.
Lights off.

Freeze time.
Let you bleed.
Horizons within the sphere.
Pregnant images.

Cheers to Aldous Huxley and the Doors of Perception that inspired me to write this.


Anonymous said...

conglomerate of isolated existences? the thin line between the star studded sickle and the capital C?
hats off!

Tarun Padmakumar said...

I am all for breakaway from societal insanity and all that. But.. were you trying to insinuate it in the pattern of a love-making ritual? Or is it just me?

It's me isnt it? Sorry i said anything... nice stuff.

Manasi Parikh said...

echo. i like the third para..a lot for some unexplainable reason!

pssst...linking nobody's blog to mine.

Drishti Bhram said...


Hari said...

TP, its not just you..